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Thigh Lift New York City

Introduction to Thigh Lift

Innovative Body Contouring

What makes the human body so unique is how genuinely different our bodies can be. While the diversity of our contours makes us beautiful, genetics sometimes plays a role in minor frustrations or what seem like impossible hurdles to overcome. We understand how incredibly frustrating it can be to work so hard to lose weight only to be left with excess and sagging skin.

One of the areas where this happens a lot is around the thighs. Oftentimes, the patients that come to William Samson, MD suffer from loose, inelastic skin along the upper legs after extreme weight loss due to diet, exercise, or bariatric surgery. If you’ve reached this page and are looking for a solution, Dr. Samson and our highly skilled team are here to help. When the thighs are disproportionate to the rest of the leg and the buttocks, an effective solution is a Thigh Lift. This popular procedure removes excess skin and fat, revealing a new you in the thigh and Buttock area.

By coming into our New York City practice for a thigh lift consultation, Dr. Samson will be able to answer all questions and provide his expert recommendations. If you’d like to book an appointment, please contact us today. Below, we’ve included our guide to the procedure.

Grabbing Butt | William Samson | New York City Thigh Lift
Black underwear | William Samson | New York City Thigh Lift

Before & After


New York

Let’s start with the basics

What is a Thigh Lift?

We understand that medical terminology can be confusing and sometimes more than one can handle. At Dr. Our goal is to make our process of a thigh lift crystal clear, so you are satisfied and comfortable understanding all elements of the procedure. A Thigh Lift, also known as Thighplasty, is also recommended for patients who wish to gain more shapeliness and feel more comfortable wearing swimsuits, shorts, and jeans. To understand this procedure, you must first understand the nuances of the surgical methods.

  • Medial Thigh Lift: Also known as an inner thigh lift, is when a surgical incision is made in the inner thigh along the line where the leg meets the groin.
  • Lateral Thigh Lift: Also known as an outer thigh lift, the incision is made from the groin around the back of the body so that the buttocks are lifted along with the thigh
Grabbing back of leg | William Samson | New York City Thigh Lift
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Main Advantages

What are the Benefits of a Thigh Lift?

Getting a Thigh Lift at William Samson, MD, in New York City focuses on the inner and outer thigh to maintain proportions during the procedure. This surgery addresses many issues related to age, weight loss, or pregnancy. Some of the most common benefits of the procedure include:

  • Excess and unwanted skin removal
  • Fat removal, leading to health benefits
  • Muscle tightening for better tone
  • Reduction of stretch marks
  • Reduction of chances of skin infections
Hands on hips | William Samson | New York City Thigh Lift
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What to expect on the day of surgery

In New York City, we perform Thigh Lifts on an outpatient basis and use general anesthesia. On the day of the procedure, Dr. Samson will make an incision in the crease where the upper thigh meets the buttocks or in the groin area near the hip. The skin is then carefully separated from the underlying muscle and tissue, and excess skin is removed. The remaining skin is stretched and tightened over the area and sutured closed. Liposuction may be used to remove excess fat; this can be consulted during your appointment with Dr. Samson.

Thigh Lifts usually take between two to three hours; this will vary based on the type of patient. It should be noted that with this type of surgery, thin tubes may be placed under the skin to drain excess fluids.

*Dr. Samson recommends having someone drive you to and from your operation and stay with you overnight in case of complications arise; this is always a good move to help your day feel the most smooth and comfortable.

What’s the First Step?

If you’re interested in getting a thigh lift in NYC with Dr. Samson, the first step is to schedule a consultation. We will discuss your medical history, lifestyle, and your expectations regarding your surgery. Before a Thigh Lift, we ask that you stop taking medications that increase bleeding. These include aspirin, specific supplements, and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. Dr. Samson or one of our skilled technicians may also ask for a medical evaluation to ensure you’re a good candidate for this type of surgery. Contact us today to book your consultation, and we can take your first step toward the thighs you’ve longed for.

Who are the Best Candidates for a Thigh Lift?

Imagine a time when you don’t have to feel self-conscious or frustrated over the sagging thigh skin that holds you back. That swimsuit or waist wrap awaits you to show off your new, fabulous, secure body. If this is your desire, you may be a fantastic candidate for a thigh lift in NYC. We proudly offer this procedure to patients who wish to correct their sagging thighs. Below, we’ve included more information to determine if you’re a good candidate for surgery:

  • You’re at a Relatively Stable Weight: The best candidates for the procedure are at a relatively stable weight. Most people who benefit from this procedure have sagging skin around their thighs because they have lost a significant amount of weight.
  • You Have Excess Soft Tissue: Most people who seek this surgery have an excess of soft tissue along the lateral (outer) thigh region or the medial (inner) thigh.
  • You Have Realistic Goals: To be a good candidate for thigh lift surgery, you need to understand what this procedure can and cannot do and have realistic expectations about the results.
  • Individuals committed to leading a healthy lifestyle: This goes a long way for our patients and includes proper nutrition and fitness
  • Healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions: Patients should not have a prior condition that will impair healing or increase the risk of surgery
  • Nonsmokers
Grabbing Thigh | William Samson | New York City Thigh Lift
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Thigh lift Recovery

The recovery time for Thigh Lift surgery in New York City can vary from one person to another. Most patients need to take it easy for about two to three weeks after surgery and often return to regular activities in approximately six weeks. There will be visible bruising and swelling during the first two weeks; this is entirely natural.

How Much Does Thigh Lift Cost in New York City?

The most suitable way to understand the price of your procedure is to come in for a consultation and allow Dr. Samson to give you an examination and discuss your best course of action. Once our team knows best how to help you and properly assess what kind of thigh lift you need, you will be provided with a cost analysis for your entire procedure. Cost questions can be discussed in a consultation; we look forward to helping you understand the cost factors involved and showing you the clear path to the contour and aesthetic dreams you deserve.

Why choose us?

Thigh Lift Experts

Plastic Surgery doesn’t have to feel impossible; it’s quite the opposite. You can start the road to a new you right now. This begins with Dr. Samson’s promise to treat every patient differently, focusing on what is most comfortable and efficient for their specific needs. Dr. Samson is dedicated to providing a premier and personalized patient experience to make your aesthetic goals not just a reality but a significant life success. His knowledgeable and caring team will help guide you through every step of your journey and, by the end, will build a personal relationship so you can return for anything. His professional skills are unparalleled throughout the New York area. No matter what procedure you are seeking, we are here to help you set and achieve your plastic surgery goals.

Dr. William Samson
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Schedule a Consultation

If you’re interested in getting a Thigh Lift in New York City, the first step is to schedule a consultation. Our skilled team is here to make your Thigh Lift a successful reality. You no longer have to deal with the physical and mental discomforts of disproportionate or sagging thighs, and our team is thrilled to get this process from pipedream to reality. Request a consultation through our website, and one of our team members will quickly get in touch with you, or call us today at 646-956-3493.

Thigh Lift FAQs

Are Thigh Lift painful?

You shouldn’t feel any pain from the procedure as you’ll be under anesthesia. After the surgery is complete, Dr. Samson will advise a prescription for pain pills or over-the-counter medications, along with a detailed recovery plan that best works for you. Safety and convenience are the top priority for our team, and we travel alongside you on the road to recovery.

How many appointments will I need?

The frequency of appointments for your Thigh Lift relies on the factors we choose the best for treatment and procedures. We put a detailed plan together, and the number of appointments that will be required for the procedure will be determined by what you need as a patient. Once an initial meeting is scheduled with Dr. Samson in New York, we can answer questions and provide you with our expert guidance for the future scheduling of necessary appointments.

How long until I see results?

While some changes will immediately appear, most patients see a noticeable improvement from a Thigh Lift in six weeks. The results can continue to improve for up to twelve months after surgery. There may be scars from where Dr. Samson made incisions. We take great pride in knowing these scars shouldn’t be very noticeable and fade over time, especially if placed in inconspicuous areas. It takes masterful skill to make these scars less noticeable, and Dr. Samson is proficient in this process. Remember, time to heal is crucial to your results; the more time to heal, the more satisfying your outcome.

Can I combine Thigh Lifts with other procedures?

Most of our satisfied patients considering having a Thigh Lift also seek to combine it with an Arm Lift (Brachioplasty) or Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty). Combining a Thigh Lift with other procedures is common, and any questions about combining procedures can be directed toward our team in a consultation. 

What are the risks associated with a Thigh Lift?

With every procedure comes the chance of risk. During our consultation, you’ll need to determine whether the results you want are worth the risk of side effects. We are here to discuss the following risks that can rarely occur during surgery. Risks Include: 
  • bleeding
  • scarring
  • infections
  • skin discoloration
  • asymmetry
  • loss of skin elasticity
  • fluid accumulation
  • deep vein thrombosis
  • heart or lung complications
  • Your risk for complications may increase if you smoke, get limited physical activity, or consume a diet high in processed foods.
With decades of experience, guidance, and technique, Dr. Samson aims to critically minimize all risks associated with our procedures, as every single one of our patients is a top priority for success and safety. This makes us a top Plastic Surgeon destination in one of the biggest cities in the world. We can’t wait to see you for your consultation soon! 

Real Patients

Real Reviews

5 star reviews for Samson Media LLC

Dr. Samson is amazing! I lost about 100 pounds and over the past year he has performed 3 surgical procedures to remove excess skin and transform my body!

– Lisa

5 star reviews for Samson Media LLC

I opted to have a breast reduction 5 months ago with Dr. Samson and I must say the results and experience have been amazing.

– Moniefia

5 star reviews for Samson Media LLC

Dr. Samson and his team treat patients with deep respect, thoughtfulness, honesty, attention to detail and great skill, all combined leading to excellent results.

– Phoebe





We’re here to help, with a number of patient resources designed to make your experience as comfortable as possible. Read through the materials below, and don’t hesitate to reach out and set up your consultation to learn more about what we can do for you.