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Breast Reduction New York City

Introduction to Breast Reduction

Restoration & Rejuvenation

Despite the appeal of larger breasts, being overly large can create both health and emotional problems for many women. There is a lot of physical pain and discomfort that comes with extremely large breasts due to the weight of excess breast tissue, which can impact a woman’s ability to live an active life. Emotional discomfort also takes a toll on self-image and self-confidence issues that occur from having large breasts.

William Samson, MD in New York City wants to help those suffering from the pangs that come with overly large breasts through Breast Reduction surgery, and he aims to provide the best, most natural results possible. If the size of your breasts has become too much to handle, it may be time to consider this procedure. If you are interested in learning more about Breast Reduction surgery, we have included some information about the procedure below for your edification.

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Before & After


New York

Let’s start with the basics

What is Breast Reduction?

Also referred to as reduction mammaplasty, a Breast Reduction in NYC is a surgical procedure that removes approximately 50% of the breast volume, which includes excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin to provide the patient with a more proportionate breast size to their body, while alleviating discomfort that can come with macromastia (excessively large breasts). This plastic surgery can help improve your breast aesthetics, physical comfort, and self-confidence with dramatic results.

Breast reduction is typically performed to help address certain medical issues, such as alleviating unpleasant or painful symptoms caused by having disproportionately large breasts. Enlarged breasts, or breast hypertrophy, may be developmental in nature, having been present from an early age.

Additionally, if you are unhappy with the size of your breasts for aesthetic reasons, this could be a life-changing and confidence-inspiring procedure.

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Main Advantages

What are the Benefits of Breast Reduction?

Our New York Breast Reduction patients have been able to enjoy the following benefits:

  • Better hygiene
  • Clothing fits better
  • Improves aesthetic appearance
  • More active lifestyle
  • Promotes a better self-image
  • Relief from the upper back, shoulder, and neck pain that is caused by heavy breasts
White Bra | William Samson | NYC Breast Reduction
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What to expect on the day of surgery

On the day of your Breast Reduction, you will first be administered anesthesia to make your surgery more comfortable for you.

Once you are sedated, Dr. Samson will begin by making the incisions on enlarged breasts that will allow him to remove tissue and manipulate your breasts. The type of incision will have already been discussed during your consultation but can consist of a few different techniques, or a combination of them, which are:

  • A circular pattern around the areola – this incision will leave a visible line and permanent scar but can be well concealed beneath your swimsuit or bra.
  • A keyhole or short scar breast reduction – the incision is made around the areola with a vertical line down to the breast crease.
  • An inverted T or “anchor-shaped” pattern – similar to the keyhole, however, this incision includes a transverse incision made in the breast fold. This technique allows for maximal removal of skin and better shaping of the breast.

After the incision has been made, Dr. Samson will reposition your nipple while keeping it attached to its original blood and nerve supply. If necessary, your areola may also be reduced by excising the skin at its perimeter. The underlying remaining breast tissue is reduced, lifted, and shaped into its final form. If you have particularly large, pendulous breasts, the nipple, and areola may be needed to be completely removed and then transplanted to a higher position on your breast. This technique is called a free nipple graft.

When finished, Dr. Samson will bring the incisions together to reshape the now smaller breast. He will use sutures by layering them deep within the breast tissue to create and support your newly shaped breast. Sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape will then be used to close the exterior skin. You will be outfitted for a surgical bra to help keep excessive swelling down during your recovery.

Please keep in mind that no matter which technique is used, incision lines and scars will be permanent, but will fade over time. Dr. Samson does his absolute best to make any lines or scars as imperceptible as possible, but due to the very nature of this plastic surgery itself, they are inevitable.

What’s the First Step?

The first step in getting an NYC Breast Reduction surgery is to contact the office of William Samson, MD, and request a consultation. When you come in for this appointment, you will get to meet with Dr. Samson and express your desire for the procedure and ask any questions you might have. Dr. Samson will give you an examination and discuss your medical history as well.

After discussing the best breast reduction techniques for you, Dr. Samson will create a surgical plan for you. If you agree with him about your treatment plan, you will then meet with our Patient Coordinator to schedule your surgical date.

Who are the Best Candidates for Breast Reduction?

If you have extremely large breasts that cause you more discomfort than joy and are considering breast reduction surgery, but are wondering if you’re a good candidate for breast reduction, we encourage you to contact New York City plastic surgeon, Dr. William Samson. The best candidates usually meet the following criteria:

  • Are at a stable weight
  • Bothered by feeling that your breasts are too large
  • Experiencing back, neck, and shoulder pain caused by the weight of your breasts
  • Have minimal excess skin
  • Get skin irritation beneath the breast crease
  • Left with shoulder indentations from bra straps
  • Limited in your physical activity due to breast size
  • Maintain realistic expectations of reduction mammoplasty results
  • Nonsmoker
  • Overall physically healthy

Here are also a few important things to remember:

  • Breast reduction can be performed at any age, but is best done when your breast development is complete
  • Breast reduction surgery can interfere with certain diagnostic procedures
  • Breast and nipple piercing can cause an infection
  • Changes in the breasts during pregnancy can alter the outcomes of previous breast reduction surgery, as can significant weight fluctuations
  • Your ability to breastfeed following reduction mammaplasty may be limited; talk to your doctor if you are planning to nurse a baby
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Breast Reduction Recovery

Since this is an outpatient procedure, after your NYC Breast Reduction surgery, you will be able to leave once you have been discharged. We highly recommend that you have a friend or family member available to provide your ride home as you will still be a little groggy from the anesthesia. You will also be provided with some instructions on how to have a better recovery.

Dr. Samson will have applied dressing or bandages to your incisions and your breasts will have been wrapped in gauze and a surgical bra to minimize swelling and give your breasts some additional support as they heal. A small, thin tube is usually left temporarily inserted into an incision to help drain any excess fluid or blood that may collect following your operation.

Most patients can return to work after 3 – 5 days, especially if they have a desk job. Even if you feel comfortable returning to work, you should keep your activity to a minimum during the first few weeks. You should wait about a month to resume light cardio, and can usually return to your normal workout routine at around 6 weeks. We encourage all of our breast reduction surgery patients to wear a sports bra anytime they are performing physical tasks to make the most out of their breast surgery results.

How Much Does Breast Reduction Cost in New York City?

The cost of a Breast Reduction procedure in New York City will be determined by multiple factors of the breast reduction process, such as your breast reduction technique, how much tissue will be removed, and the level of change being made, among other things. After coming in for your consultation with Dr. Samson and he creates a plan for you, our Patient Coordinator will be able to provide you with a breakdown of the total cost for your procedure.

Occasionally, insurance companies will cover at least some of the cost of breast reduction surgery in NYC, but they will need certain documentation, especially if you’ve attempted previously failed options (i.e. orthopedic, chiropractic, physical therapy, dermatologic, etc.).

Insurance Breast Reduction

At the practice of William Samson, M.D., we understand that these surgeries can come with a hefty price tag and that it’s not in most people’s budget. We also understand how much of a lifestyle difference a Breast Reduction can make. While not every procedure we provide is eligible for insurance assistance, due to the nature of the procedure, many providers will provide financial assistance.

We do accept the following insurance providers:

As previously mentioned, not everyone is a candidate for assistance, so we encourage our breast reduction patients with the aforementioned providers to reach out and discuss their desire for breast reduction surgery so that way there are no surprises that come on your surgery date.

Why Choose Dr. Samson?

Breast Reduction Experts

As a board-certified plastic surgeon and a specialist in breast surgery, Dr. William Samson has been performing aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries for over a decade. He has been awarded as an NYC TopDoc from Castle Connolly and is a member of numerous professional societies, including the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Aesthetic Society (American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery).

Dr. William Samson
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Schedule a Consultation

You shouldn’t have to be burdened by your naturally large breasts. If you are in the New York City area and would like to see if a Breast Reduction is best for you, call the office of William Samson, MD, and schedule your breast reduction consultation today! You can reach us at (212) 590-5580 or request an appointment through our website and one of our team members will get right back to you. Bigger does not always mean better and you can easily have a reinvigorated life with a Breast Reduction.

Breast Reduction FAQs

Is Breast Reduction surgery painful?

Since Dr. Samson uses general anesthesia, you should be very comfortable during your breast reduction surgery, but you can expect to feel some soreness in the next 2 - 3 days. Dr. Samson will provide you with prescription pain medication to alleviate any physical discomfort, as well as provides you with instructions on how to make the most out of your recovery. Ice packs or cold compresses will also help during this time.

How many appointments will I need?

Most patients will need between 4 and 6 follow-up appointments. Dr. Samson will have you return about a week following your surgery, followed by two weeks later, a month later, and then 2 months later. Dr. Samson will always let you know how he thinks you are responding to the procedure and when he would like to see you again.

Can I combine Breast Reduction with other procedures?

Absolutely! Many of our New York City patients will combine their Breast Reduction with a Breast Lift. Some women also elect to get a Tummy Tuck or Liposuction for a more contoured body.

What are the risks associated with Breast Reduction?

Possible breast reduction plastic surgery risks include:
  • Allergies to tape, suture materials, glues, blood products, topical preparations, or injectable agents
  • Anesthesia risks
  • Bleeding (hematoma)
  • Blood clots
  • Breast asymmetry
  • Breast contour and shape irregularities
  • Changes in nipple or breast sensation, which may be temporary or permanent
  • Damage to deeper structures – such as nerves, blood vessels, muscles, and lungs – can occur and may be temporary or permanent
  • Deep vein thrombosis, cardiac and pulmonary complications
  • Excessive firmness of the breast
  • Fatty tissue deep in the skin could die (fat necrosis)
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Infection
  • Pain, which may persist
  • Poor wound healing
  • Possibility of revisional surgery
  • Potential inability to breastfeed
  • Potential loss of skin/tissue of breast where incisions meet each other
  • Potential, partial, or total loss of nipple and areola
  • Skin discoloration, permanent pigmentation changes, swelling, and bruising
  • Unfavorable scarring
If you do feel like you are having any long-lasting or concerning reactions, please contact our office so that we can help.

How long until I see results?

You should be able to see a noticeable difference following your surgery, however, there will also be some bruising and swelling post-surgery, so you will need to wait for those side effects to subside before seeing your final results. Most women will see these final breast reduction results after 4 - 6 weeks, and their breasts’ appearance will continue to improve as time passes.

Does Breast Reduction Surgery remove excess breast tissue?

During a breast reduction, plastic surgeons remove excess breast tissue and excess skin to achieve the best breast reduction results. Your nipples may be moved higher to reposition them for cosmetic reasons.

How do I choose the best Breast Reduction surgeon for me?

With the number of breast reduction surgeons out there, it can be very intimidating on deciding which one is the best for you. Since the breast reduction surgical process itself is very personal, Dr. Samson and his team encourage any potential breast reduction patient to take everything into consideration. This includes learning more about the procedure, looking into your options, and having an initial consultation to discuss the potential best breast reduction technique for you.

Will my breast size change after breast reduction surgery?

While breast reduction surgery is intended to treat oversized breasts, it won't prevent you from increasing your breast size in the future with breast augmentation. Breast enlargement is extremely rare and should not occur after a breast reduction in NYC unless there is significant lifestyle or weight gain.

Will I Be Able to Breastfeed?

A breast reduction can affect a woman’s ability to breastfeed, as the procedure involves removing some of the glandular tissue and ducts in the breast that produce and transport milk, but it is still completely possible to breastfeed after breast reduction surgery. The extent to which the surgery affects breastfeeding depends on several factors, including the amount of glandular tissue removed, the surgical technique used, and the location of the incisions. Generally, the more tissue removed, the greater the risk of breastfeeding difficulties. If you plan to have children and breastfeed in the future, it is important to discuss this with Dr. Samson during the initial consultation process. He will be able to assess your individual situation and make recommendations based on your goals and priorities.

Should I lose weight before breast reduction?

If you are trying to lose a significant amount of body fat, please tell your plastic surgeon. The loss of excess fat before or after breast reduction surgery can affect your breast size and the reshaping that it requires.

Real Patients

Real Reviews

5 star reviews for Samson Media LLC

Dr. Samson is amazing! I lost about 100 pounds and over the past year he has performed 3 surgical procedures to remove excess skin and transform my body!

– Lisa

5 star reviews for Samson Media LLC

I opted to have a breast reduction 5 months ago with Dr. Samson and I must say the results and experience have been amazing.

– Moniefia

5 star reviews for Samson Media LLC

Dr. Samson and his team treat patients with deep respect, thoughtfulness, honesty, attention to detail and great skill, all combined leading to excellent results.

– Phoebe





We’re here to help, with a number of patient resources designed to make your experience as comfortable as possible. Read through the materials below, and don’t hesitate to reach out and set up your consultation to learn more about what we can do for you.